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QR Marketing System

Merchant Admin Panel

You can setup all the Marketing in the backend system

Public QR SCAN Page

Public just Scan and keyin the Data, They will on time live to know the result, is that win or not.

Try our QR Marketing System

Scan to WIn

after submit you will win the Lucky Draw

Scan to Try again

After Submit you will get Thank you page. Try again

Test Plan 

RM 500

  • 500 QR Code

Plan A

RM 1,599

  • 5,000 QR Code

Plan A + 

RM 1,950

  • 10,000 QR Code

Plan B

RM 2,950

  • 30,000 QR Code 

Plan C

RM 4,950

  • 60,000 QR Code
  • Up to 3 Campaign